Improvised stripey hats: a rough guide.

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably know that I’m on a bit of a stripey hat kick. I find these hats to be just the right combination of mindless knitting and creative play: they use up all kinds of leftovers and little skeins, and I get to play around with colour without worrying whether it’ll look good in sample photos or the stripes are perfect or the colours are maybe a bit weird.

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The storm has passed; the recovery begins.

When I started my pattern sale fundraiser to help with Hurricane Harvey relief efforts, it came from a feeling of helplessness and heartache and a desire to do something, anything, that was genuinely helpful, even if only in a small way.

Then you turned up. So many of you. You spread the word and you bought patterns and you took this little thing and made it a bigger thing and other generous fibre arts people put their backs into it* and instead of feeling helpless on my own, I feel like together we really did something.

Harvey relief final total

You all came to this barnraiser, and in increments–$5-$6 a pattern!–you built something real, and I couldn’t be more touched by your generosity. I know the United Way of Houston and the SPCA of Texas will put the funds to good use. I hope the projects you make from these patterns bring you joy, and that you’ll share your progress with me and wear your finished handknits with pride.

Thank you. We did it right.

*While the Mason Dixon fundraising event has ended, others on that page are still going on. You can also donate directly: Houston’s mayor has established a relief fund, and Charity Navigator has a list of organizations that are helping with the relief effort.

Update September 8: The donations are there! It took some time to get the funds to an acceptable payment method—neither charity accepts PayPal—but the money is now where it’s needed. Thank you again.

EEKnits fundraiser United Way donation

EEKnits fundraiser SPCA donation

Line and Shadow

Goodness, it’s been a while. This spring has been a full one, with no sign of slowing down for the summer. The drawback is that a lot of the busyness has been working on projects that I can’t talk about online yet, so my posts are starting to read like a catalogue of pattern releases. I hate when that happens—I recently set up a mailing list for pattern release announcements to try to move this space towards less sell-y content—which is probably why it’s taken me so long to post about Line and Shadow. However, the sample is going to TNNA with me to be displayed in the Shibui Knits booth (the sample, that is—I’m not nearly as good at staying still. It’ll be in booth 389.) I’m pretty chuffed about that, plus it’s well past time, so here goes. Continue reading


Mostly. I think.

I’ve been meaning to redo this site for a while: the Patterns page was a scrollathon horrorshow, I felt the blog page layout could use some tidying, the About section needed updating, and I wanted to make it easier for people to contact me. The process was a bit fraught: I’m no coder, plus it’s impossible to be objective about your own work. I’m still not sure I’ve got it right, so if you’ve got suggestions for how to make this site work better for you, please do let me know, either by commenting here or through my spanking new contact page. I’ll probably do a bit more tweaking to get the site just so. Continue reading

Site changes

The Cusser Knits is due for an overhaul, so I’m going to be making several changes over the weekend. Please bear with me; it may look a bit weird while I reorganize things.


Dear past me:

If you feel like a yarn combination isn’t going to work in the first couple of rounds, and then again 18 rounds later, and you keep stretching your work out and squinting at it to see if it’s finally started to work, maybe it’s time to stop and rip the thing out. Do not press on for another 30 rounds just because you really want it to work. It’s not working. Stop it.

Love, present me, who has to clean up your mess.

These yarns are not at all the same weight. Knitting one loosely and the other tightly is not going to change that, no matter how much I may wish it so.
These yarns are not at all the same weight. Knitting one loosely and the other tightly is not going to change that, no matter how much I may wish it so.