Shaking things loose

My, but it’s been a strange and tense few months. The worst is over, though, so we buggered off to New Orleans to celebrate, shake the dust off, and see if we could rediscover our mojo. Strangely, I took very few photos (or rather, I took many photos of very few things) — I was so busy just looking at everything (and tasting, and listening, and and and…). (Also, I’m always afraid that I’ll be the sort of visitor who sees a place only through a camera lens.) Here are a few of my favourite photos, though.

There were hidden places:

The city is full of little glimpses like this.

there was fabulous, silly fashion

It could rain all damn day if you had a pair of these.

there were cats

So many lazy cats.

and of course, there was knitting

Socks in ‘Zombies’, spun specifically for this trip. Because how perfect is that?

It’s hardly a revelation, but New Orleans has more great food, cool music, interesting places, and simpatico people than should really exist in one city. We barely scratched the surface. Great day in the morning, that was exactly the break I needed. Dust duly shaken off, I’m ready to dive into the writing, fibre work, and design that have been so sorely neglected in the past few months. Right after I finish checking out some apartment listings…

4 thoughts on “Shaking things loose

    1. Thanks, Jacqui! It’s good to be back. Nothing like a trip to put stuff behind you and get ready for a fresh start. Tell you what, if you ever make it over here, I would meet up with you in NOLA in a heartbeat — that would be some fun, indeed.

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